Headstone for James Matthews in Great Ellingham Churchyard Memorial Inscription After 120 years, the inscription on the gravestone for James Matthews of Great Ellingham which lies in the churchyard of St James remains very clear. James Matthews was born on April 5th, 1817 and died on July 3rd, 1899. James was 82 years old when…
Auction of “Comfortable Farmhouse” in Long Street in 1883
Illustration by Christine Fuller An Auction held at the King’s Head Hotel, Wymondham on August 21st, 1883, by the Executors of the late Charles Watts, included property and land at Great Ellingham. Farmhouse Occupied by Thomas Caddy The property described as a “Comfortable Farmhouse, Outbuildings, Small Farm, containing about 35 acres” was in the occupation…
An ‘Interesting Lecture’ delivered at the Baptist Chapel in 1898
Forth Bridge. Photograph taken April 2012 (Author’s Collection) The Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette of 19th February 1898, reported that at Great Ellingham, “The Construction of the Forth Bridge” was the title of “an interesting lecture delivered at the Baptist Church” on the previous Tuesday evening by the Reverend J Miller Hamilton of Lowestoft. Mr…
Smallpox and a Vaccination Court Case
Smallpox in Great Ellingham Amongst the outgoings listed in the Great Ellingham Parish Accounts for the year 1742, are entries for payments of relief by the Overseers of the Parish for three inhabitants of the village: “For the nursing and keeping William Winter in the time he had the small pox”; “For the nursing and…
The Ellingham Comrades’ Football Club
The formation of ‘The Ellingham Comrades’ Football Club’ for both parishes of Great and Little Ellingham was reported in Breckles Deanery & District Magazine of October 1921. Mr W J Eagling had “kindly consented to allow play on his meadow near the common”. Officers of the Club elected were: President: Mr W J EaglingVice Presidents:…
Frederick Grice buried 16th August 1898, aged 62 years
Headstone for Frederick Grice in Great Ellingham Churchyard The Frederick Grice buried in the churchyard of St James on August 12th, 1898 lived in Long Street, Great Ellingham for over thirty years. However, it transpires that Frederick Grice was born in Wolferton, Norfolk, some 40 miles from Great Ellingham. 1891 census The 1891 census finds…
Fined for Allowing Horses to Stray on the Highway
Illustration by Christine Fuller 1883 Court Appearance The Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette of August 4th, 1883 reported on the case of James Carter, a farmer, of Great Ellingham. Carter appeared before the Magistrates at East Harling on July 30th. He was charged with allowing two horses to stray on the highway. He was found…
E E Everett, a seller of Horniman’s Tea in 1900
Ernest Everett’s shop in Church Street. Courtesy Horrie Harvey The Norwich Mercury of Wednesday July 11th 1900 included an advertisement for Horniman’s Tea. The advert included a list of traders in the Norfolk area who sold the tea in their stores. Amongst the traders was the name ‘Everett’ a grocer of Great Ellingham. 1901 census…
Death of Farmer George Newby of Long Street in 1874
The Norfolk News of 29th August 1874, reported the death at Great Ellingham of 59 year old George Newby. The report stated that George Newby was ‘greatly respected and deeply lamented by his family and friends’. I have not found a corresponding burial for George Newby in the Parish Registers for the Church of St…
Primitive Methodist Sunday School Anniversary in 1877
Primitive Methodist Chapel, Great Ellingham. Postcard courtesy of Carol Ewin The edition of the Norfolk News dated 11th August 1877, reported on the anniversary celebrations at Great Ellingham of the Primitive Methodist Sunday School. The celebrations took place over two days – Sunday and Monday. On the Sunday morning, Mr Wade of Norwich preached a…