School Corner: Hingham Road junction with B1077. Postcard BCV The second edition of the School Magazine was produced in July 1952. In his letter to the Readers, the Headmaster, Mr Boast, said that he had received a large number of articles (from the children) for the inclusion in the Magazine and it had been very…
Category: Schools, Societies, Charities
Great Ellingham School Junior Youth Club in 1953
Great Ellingham Board Schools pre 1905 R.W., a pupil at Great Ellingham School, reported in the School’s Magazine of July 1953 that the school now has a Junior Youth Club. The Youth Club, held every Thursday night at 7 o’clock, was usually attended by about twenty to twenty five children most of whom attended the…
A Perfect Attendance Medals Lost through Mumps in 1906
Great Ellingham School (Girls) possibly early 1900s. Are the boys in the adjacent classroom? Photograph courtesy of Ray Beales The 1906 annual prize distribution to scholars attending the Great Ellingham Board School took place during the middle of December. The Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette reported that the prizes were given out by Mr W…
The First Occasion on record of a Confirmation Service at the Parish Church
Interior of Church. Postcard Christine Bell 1907 The Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette of 9th March 1907, reported that the Bishop of Ipswich held a confirmation service at the parish church in Great Ellingham on the previous Tuesday. It was also reported that this was “the first occasion on record of such a service”. 34…
First Issue of the Great Ellingham School Magazine Published in 1951
Headmaster Mr A G Boast introduced the First Issue of the Great Ellingham School Magazine in July 1951. Priced at sixpence. The Headmaster’s Letter to the Readers Mr A G Boast became Headmaster of the village school on 8th January 1951. In his letter to “The Readers” on the first page of the School Magazine,…
Excellent Report from Her Majesty’s Inspector of Schools in 1877
The former British School (later the Board School until 1896) in Long Street. Image courtesy of Sue Fay Great Ellingham Board School was subject to an Inspection by Her Majesty’s Inspector on 15th March 1877. The Board School was in Long Street (later moving to the present school building in 1896). There was also a…
Annual Meeting of the Men’s Club in 1921
The Breckles Deanery and District Magazine of October 1921, reported that the annual meeting of the ‘Men’s Club’ was held on September 19th at Great Ellingham. The Club would re-open on October 3rd and would be open on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. It was hoped that there would be an increase in membership for…
An ‘Interesting Lecture’ delivered at the Baptist Chapel in 1898
Forth Bridge. Photograph taken April 2012 (Author’s Collection) The Norfolk Chronicle and Norwich Gazette of 19th February 1898, reported that at Great Ellingham, “The Construction of the Forth Bridge” was the title of “an interesting lecture delivered at the Baptist Church” on the previous Tuesday evening by the Reverend J Miller Hamilton of Lowestoft. Mr…
The Ellingham Comrades’ Football Club
The formation of ‘The Ellingham Comrades’ Football Club’ for both parishes of Great and Little Ellingham was reported in Breckles Deanery & District Magazine of October 1921. Mr W J Eagling had “kindly consented to allow play on his meadow near the common”. Officers of the Club elected were: President: Mr W J EaglingVice Presidents:…
Primitive Methodist Sunday School Anniversary in 1877
Primitive Methodist Chapel, Great Ellingham. Postcard courtesy of Carol Ewin The edition of the Norfolk News dated 11th August 1877, reported on the anniversary celebrations at Great Ellingham of the Primitive Methodist Sunday School. The celebrations took place over two days – Sunday and Monday. On the Sunday morning, Mr Wade of Norwich preached a…