Illustration Christine Fuller The Norwich Mercury of Saturday 27th June, 1863, reported on several recent cases at the East Harling Petty Sessions. The report included the case of Elizabeth Peas, a single woman, of Great Ellingham. Elizabeth was charged by miller John Browne of stealing a pair of drawers at [Great] Ellingham on the 6th…
Category: Brown
Six of One and Half a Dozen of the Other
Guilty of Assault The Diss Express of Friday, 4th August, 1905, reported on proceedings at the East Harling Magistrates Court. This included the case concerning a fracas between two women in Great Ellingham. Widow Elvina M Rushbrooke of Great Ellingham was charged with assaulting her neighbour Maud Halls on the 23rd July. Halls was charged…
Great Ellingham’s Pubs and Beer-houses
The Crown Public House in the centre. Courtesy of Attleborough Heritage Group Village pubs have always been a focal point of a community. Great Ellingham is no exception. During the Victorian period, Great Ellingham had five public houses, some of which were former beer-houses. Today, the village has one remaining pub. At the end of…
The History of the Chequers Public House
The Chequers c.1912. The board over the doorway refers to the licensee, Jacob Beales. Assumed to be in the photograph is Jacob Beales (centre) and IsabellaCourtesy Linda Purdy At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Chequers Public House was owned by Mary Warren. Mary also occupied the Chequers her husband, William Warren. An Abstract…
‘Mass Emigration’ from Great Ellingham in 1836
Illustration by Christine Fuller Borrowing to Fund the Emigration of the Poor Persons of the Parish One of the provisions of the Poor Law Amendment Act 1834, was the legislation which enabled the rate payers of a parish to set up a fund to pay for the ‘emigration of the poor persons settled in the…
Penalty & Costs of Thirty Shillings
Furious Driving James Wilkins of Great Ellingham appeared before the Magistrates at the Petty Sessions held at New Buckenham in early May 1864. An account of the offence of furious driving on the road from Great Ellingham to Stow Bedon was given by Police Constable Bugg. James Wilkins was convicted and adjudged to pay 30s…
Horseplay in the Village after School Board Election with Fatal Consequences
Inquest The Norfolk News of June 9th, 1885 reported on the inquest held at Great Ellingham into the death of labourer, Charles Halls. Halls had died from lockjaw arising from injuries received to the forefinger of his right hand while taking part in what was referred to as ‘a little demonstration‘ after the election of…
Disorderly Conduct at the Chequers Inn
Illustration by Christine Fuller Before the Magistrates A night of disorderly conduct at the Chequers Inn on the 29th May, 1866 resulted in the appearance before the Magistrates at East Harling of the Landlord and some of his customers. John Brown, the Landlord, was fined £2 and costs of 14s for permitting disorderly conduct at…
Ann, Wife of Layer Vynne, buried in 1759
Memorial to Ann Vynne in Great Ellingham Parish Church This Memorial caught my eye on a visit to the Church of St James. The inscription looks to be as clear as the day the stone slab was laid into the floor presumably not long after February 1759. Around 260 years ago! Who were Layer and…
Robert Beales, son of Philip and Sarah
Great Ellingham Parish Church Baptism Philip Beales and his wife Sarah brought their infant son Robert for baptism at Great Ellingham Parish Church on December 4th, 1831. 1841 at Bow Street Around 9 years later, the census of 1841 finds 9 year old Robert Bales (Beales) with his parents, elder siblings James aged 15, George…