Extract from 1906 Ordnance Survey Map. Second Edition. Surveyed in 1881. Revised 1904. Swamp Lane lies at the northern side of the main road leading from the village to Attleborough. Indeed, the lane is not far from the parish boundary. There are several dwellings (of all types) on the eastern side of the lane. However,…
Category: Morter
Timeline of Tanyard Farm Cottages 1800s to 1954
Tanyard Farm CottagesPhotograph courtesy of Bryan Dye At the turn of the 19th century, Tanyard Farm was owned by John Warren. The property then comprised a house, tan office, barn, stable, yard and garden. Warren also owned a nearby beam shed and barn, together with several acres of land. In addition, Warren owned other cottages….
Pair of Cottages become Owner Occupied after 150 years
Extract from 1906 Ordnance Survey Map. Second Edition. Surveyed in 1881. Author’s Collection For nearly 150 years, two clay and tiled semi-detached cottages standing along the Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham, were occupied by tenants and not by the owners. During this time, the cottages saw the comings and goings of several families. However, the Wenn…
A Drunk & Disorderly Shepherd
Illustration by Christine Fuller Court Appearance Herbert Morter, a shepherd, of Great Ellingham appeared before the Magistrates at East Harling at the beginning of October, 1908. Herbert was charged with being drunk and disorderly on the 5th October. He was convicted and fined the sum of of fourteen shillings, which included the penalty and costs….
‘Keen Agriculturalist’ Henry Colman dies aged 84
Great Ellingham Parish Church The Norwich Mercury of 21st October 1905 reported on the funeral which had taken place at the Parish Church in Great Ellingham of Mr Henry Colman. It was reported that Henry Colman was a keen agriculturalist and that he regularly attended Norwich Market. His last trip to the market was earlier…