Illustration by Christine Fuller
On the last Friday of September, 1894, and in celebration of the end of the Harvest, about fifty people sat down to a ‘repast of good old English fare‘ provided by the landlord of the Queens Head Inn, Charles Allen.
The guests were seated at tables which had been set out in the large barn at the Queens Head. The barn had been specially decorated for the occasion with mottoes, flowers and evergreens.
Following the supper, the guests were joined by other friends, and the evening ‘was spent in dance and song‘. Messrs G Purdy and E Spencer participated in some of the musical parts of the evening.
Charles Allen’s tenure as landlord of the Queens Head Inn was brief. Norfolk Pubs Website shows Charles Allen as licensee at the Queens Head in 1896. He also appears in Kelly’s Directory of 1896. However, by 1901, Charles Allen had left the Queens Head. The 1901 census reveals another landlord, 47 year old Charles Stimpson, described as an innkeeper, at the Queens Head.
Eastern Daily Press 5th October 1894. Viewed via localrecall.co.uk accessed 4th August 2020
1896 Kelly’s Directory
1901 census RG13/1867/82