Illustration by Christine Fuller
The Norwich Mercury of 3rd December 1904, reported on the Cricket Club’s annual tea and social evening held in the Council School in Great Ellingham, on the previous Friday.
It was reported that the club had played nine matches of which they had won six, lost two and drawn one. The President, the Reverend E H Polehampton, and Mr F C Flitch made the presentation to the winner of the bat, Mr J Saunders.
“Over 80 sat down to a good repast provided by Mr G Saunders“.
The social evening comprised an evening of songs, readings and music. The songs were performed by the Misses Jary, Miss Field, Miss Reeder, the Reverend H Parker, Messrs B Wilkins and J Reeder.
A reading was given by Mr G Saunders, and the Misses Jary also gave an amusing duologue “Charlie”. Miss Lilian Field and Mr Field acted as accompanists. Two duets (cornet and piano) were played by Mr E Lincoln and Mr J Field.
Norwich Mercury 3rd December 1904
Updated September 2020