Great Ellingham School (Girls) possibly early 1900s. Are the boys in the adjacent classroom? Photograph courtesy of Ray Beales The 1906 annual prize distribution to scholars attending the Great Ellingham Board School took place during the middle of December. The Norfolk Chronicle & Norwich Gazette reported that the prizes were given out by Mr W…
Category: Wilkins
E E Everett, a seller of Horniman’s Tea in 1900
Ernest Everett’s shop in Church Street. Courtesy Horrie Harvey The Norwich Mercury of Wednesday July 11th 1900 included an advertisement for Horniman’s Tea. The advert included a list of traders in the Norfolk area who sold the tea in their stores. Amongst the traders was the name ‘Everett’ a grocer of Great Ellingham. 1901 census…
Robert Pease and his Fatal Accident on Return from Market
Bow Street, Great Ellingham Tragic Accident The Norwich Mercury of December 30th, 1899 reported on the tragic death the previous Thursday evening of a well-known farmer of Great Ellingham, 62 year old Mr Robert Pease. Robert Pease in the company of his niece, Mrs Elizabeth Jane Lister, was on his return journey with his horse…
Charles Stubbings, Butcher & Farmer, at Town Green
1881 Census The 1881 census finds 65 year old butcher and farmer, Charles Stubbings, living with his wife Ann (also aged 65) and 29 year old son Charles (also a butcher) living in Town Green in Great Ellingham. 1885 Auction Four years later, a notice appeared in the Norwich Mercury of 3 October 1885 for…
The Annual Tea and Social Evening of Great Ellingham Cricket Club
Illustration by Christine Fuller The Norwich Mercury of 3rd December 1904, reported on the Cricket Club’s annual tea and social evening held in the Council School in Great Ellingham, on the previous Friday. It was reported that the club had played nine matches of which they had won six, lost two and drawn one. The…
The Inhabitants of Chequers Lane – 1861 to 1911
Postcard of Chequers Lane. Courtesy of Carol Ewin Although the Chequers Inn is mentioned in the census returns of 1841 and 1851, it is not until the census of 1861 that the name Chequers (or Chequer) Lane appears. It is therefore difficult to establish how many households were living in what we know today as…