It is not until the 1901 census that I find the name ‘Swamp Lane’ recorded on the census returns. However, earlier electoral registers going back to at least 1878, refer to the area as ‘The Swamp’ or ‘Swamp’. Nevertheless, some of the census returns prior to 1901 refer to the few cottages along the lane…
Category: Wilkins
The History of Swamp Lane Cottages – Part IV
Extract from 1906 Ordnance Survey Map. Second Edition. Surveyed in 1881. Revised 1904. Swamp Lane lies at the northern side of the main road leading from the village to Attleborough. Indeed, the lane is not far from the parish boundary. There are several dwellings (of all types) on the eastern side of the lane. However,…
The History of The Crown Public House – Part I
Extract from an 1802 Abstract of Title to an Estate called the Crown in Great EllinghamCourtesy Shirley Caston Deeds contain fascinating and interesting information. For example, details of the land, premises, owners, occupiers and even lenders. Maps or plans drawn on early Indentures are ‘few and far between’. Accordingly, these early documents describe the position…
Frederick Barker Fined Thirty Shillings for Stealing a Hen
In the past, many of the inhabitants of Great Ellingham kept hens. These chickens provided many a ‘cash- strapped’ villager with a plentiful supply of fresh eggs and, on occasions, ‘Sunday lunch’. Unsurprisingly, there were several instances of hen thefts. Consequently, many offenders appeared before the Magistrates. One such wrong-doer was Frederick Barker. Illustration Christine…
Part IV – A History of the Cottage adjoining The Crown Public House
Charles Drake’s premises (cottages with shops) to the right of The Crown Public HousePostcard courtesy Carol Ewin Parts I, II and III of a series of blogs, take the history of the cottage from around 1749 to 1895, when Harry Warren sold the property to Charles Drake. In this blog, we pick up the story…
Part V – A History of the Cottage adjoining The Crown Public House
The Crown Public House with the Adjoining Cottage (on the right)Photograph taken October 2019 Anna Maria Wilkins’ Cottage and Shop to the right of the Crown Public House Courtesy Attleborough Heritage GroupDate Unknown This is one of a series of blogs which look at the history of the cottage which adjoins the Crown Public House…
Part VI – A History of the Cottage adjoining The Crown Public House
The above postcard shows the Crown Public House with the adjoining cottage (then two shops) to the rightPostcard courtesy Carol Ewin Parts I, II, III, IV and V of the history of the ‘The Cottage adjoining the Crown Public House’ looks at the history of this delightful cottage through nearly three centuries. We begin this…
Part III – A History of the Cottage adjoining The Crown Public House
The Cottage with adjoining shop to the right of the Crown Public House. Postcard courtesy Carol Ewin Parts I and II of a series of blogs, take the history of the cottage (with an adjoining shop), from around 1749 to 1868. Here, we go forward from 1868 when Joseph Warren purchased the premises at auction….
Annie takes over from her Father, William Wilkins
Great Ellingham Village Stores and Post Office. April 2020. The Wilkins family is one of a few families who can trace their ancestors for several generations in Great Ellingham. In fact, the Wilkins family has been in the village far longer than the present Post Office building, where some of the Wilkins family lived and…
Fined for Taking Fish out of a Pond
Illustration by Christine Fuller The Norwich Mercury of Saturday 23rd July, 1881, reported on the recent cases at the East Harling Petty Sessions. Amongst the defendants were Great Ellingham labourers, Frederick Sharman, Robert Carter, Henry Lake and John Lee. They were charged with taking fish from a pond in the village of Great Ellingham. All…